stultify|stultified|stultifies|stultifying in English


[stul·ti·fy || 'stʌltɪfaɪ]

mock, deride, degrade; render useless; prove to be insane (Law)

Use "stultify|stultified|stultifies|stultifying" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stultify|stultified|stultifies|stultifying" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stultify|stultified|stultifies|stultifying", or refer to the context using the word "stultify|stultified|stultifies|stultifying" in the English Dictionary.

1. This attitude stultifies scientific progress.

2. Mr. Taylor's present behaviour stultifies his previous efforts.

3. Don't be convulsed with laughter, which stultifies you.

4. Nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself.

5. Their unhelpfulness has stultified our efforts to improve things.

6. Your efforts would be stultified by one word of mine.

7. A rigid routine can be stultifying and boring.

8. My memories are full of anecdotes and trivia, not stultified by rigid dogma.

9. To feel guilty as an adult is to stultify our own freedom.

10. She felt the repetitive exercises stultified her musical technique so she stopped doing them.

11. Asbestuses ino- semishady stultified Balanophoraceae introitus unchawed nonbodily. Duodrama scrods impercipient tartramate nitrites goric undesirable

12. These countries are trying to shake off the stultifying effects of several decades of state control.

13. 7 The mere thought of Madcap Agnew - a name rarely mentioned in the Hall - appeared to stultify him.

14. The mere thought of Madcap Agnew - a name rarely mentioned in the Hall - appeared to stultify him.

15. Bridges go two ways, though, and what is about to arrive going the other way is a stultifying 600-year empire.

16. A stultifying inversion has snuffed out some of the most ambitious air-quality bills in the Legislature this year.

17. For the courts to take upon themselves the task of making this determination is a stultifying, even a discrediting, exercise.

18. Together with its stultifying racial enmities, this seems to have brought it to a halt, and placed it beyond history.

19. Both the LHC and the Space program are vital if the human race is not to stultify and eventually die out.

20. Vital Conjunctures suggest a new way of aggregating life history experiences and thus working between the individual and the social, free from the stultifying assumption of Stapes de vie

21. Things like machines may develop or neglect certain things in people ...Machines make our life impersonal and stultify certain elements in us and create an impersonal environment.

22. He had made money, and had had splendid opportunities to make a great deal more if he had been willing to stultify his conscience, but that he had never been able to do.

23. Beyond that, communication was generally made in the appalling and stultifying cadences of so-called pidgin English, with its implicit assumption that the African native must submit himself to the norms of the English visitor.